HALL ARCHITECTURE has over 25+ yrs. of experience in design and construction, having led numerous unique residential, light commercial and institutional projects in and around Chicago. We’ve received several professional awards for our work within other offices and now our principal would like to work directly with you. Our office’s goal is to provide you with a more satisfying, personal architecture to help you realize your specific building needs. We’ll use everything in our toolbox to complete a beautiful, efficient and affordable project. We excel at work that combines multiple objectives and we apply pragmatism and fresh thinking to unique projects and sites with a knowledge of history, sustainability and economy to restore or create new beauty and value.
Larger Commercial & Institutional Projects
Residential & Light Commercial Work
Custom Furniture
. . . Exploring ideas for a tailored home, addition or kitchen remodeling?
. . . Want to repair, restore or improve a signature historic feature of your property?
. . . Looking for an office or creative space, tailored to the way you work?
. . . Imagining a retail buildout that really showcases your wares and location?
. . . Need a building permit or soliciting competitive bids for your project?
Conversation is free.